
Friday, February 23, 2018



From the moment the doctors or dads cut off the umbilical cords, most moms around the world face the constant struggle on what’s the best food for their children. In the first few weeks of after birth, moms have to decide between breastfeeding or formula feeding. Soon after that decision has been settled, we have to start worrying about how and when to introduce solids and table food. We constantly struggle on different types of worry regardless of age, worries such as allergies and nutrition.

如今我們出國遊玩幾個月,當二寶媽的我當然也不得清閒。快三歲的兒童我已經放生給老公顧,反正那個已經大開食戒了,只要不是太重口味我都睜一隻眼閉一隻眼。嬰兒我不得不顧到,雖然二寶已經跟大家說的一樣在照豬養了(沒錯,我在台灣沒輒的情況下還給他吃過鼎王湯底的泡飯....真的很該剁手的媽媽)可是偶爾是偶爾,我們出門在外不能天天都吃鼎王啊! 準備好了一個三人用的小電鍋,貴夫人食物調理機,大包小包的寶寶餐具和用品,終於要開始這場嬰幼兒的食物之旅了。

Knowing the fact that we will be traveling for a few months, being the mom of 2, of course I will try my best to pack all the baby food making gadgets for my baby. As for my toddler.... something’s gotta give right? I have empowered my husband to be in charge of our toddler’s meals (yes ordering from different restaurants LOL). As crazy as it sounds, I did pack a small electric steamer, a magic bullet and baby food storage gadgets.

到了機場check-in兩件無比重的行李以後正開始懷抱要前往杜拜的興奮感時,過了安檢的我慣性的背起我的媽媽包要往duty free前進的同時,我背包被security 扣留下來了........security平靜的跟我說:「媽麻,食物剪不能帶上飛機喔」。 

On our way to Dubai, as we go through airport security, my diaper bag was pulled to the side as usual (because it contains baby food and water etc..). This time to my surprise, I was not allowed to retrieve my  bag, and to my horror, the security told me that I cannot bring food scissors on board.  


Now, most people will think I am crazy for being so dramatic over a pair of scissors, but I am sure some moms will agree with me that it is THE most important piece of equipment in my diaper bag (other than the diapers of course!). I have used it to cut up many gourmet meals over the last 2 years for Eli, and I was planning to use it A LOT during this trip. It was a dumb mistake on my me, I know scissors are not allowed on the plane! However, when I got a million things to pack, it is soooooo easy to forget that one of your diaper bag staples can be used as a weapon on the plane.......... 


So I finally got over the trauma that my food scissors were tossed once we arrived the hotel. Upon check-in we were welcomed by a bowl of fresh fruit amenity in the room. This really lightened up our first day in Dubai. All of us were enjoying the fruit, and I whipped out my magic bullet to blend some for Evan as well. As soon as I pressed blend, the blender made a very loud blending noise accompanied by a large spark firing out from the back side. I never took physics in high school, but I definitely learned about physics first hand on this day. When your electronics says it’s for 110V, do not try to plug it into a 220V outlet. The 220V outlet will fry your appliances in few seconds.


So my healthy baby food dream was shattered on day 1 of our 2 month trip. Great. Evan ended up eating every other meal instead of every meal, and I can only try to mush up soft fruits, cut some cheese cubes, feed him scrambled eggs through out the trip. Unfortunately, his most nutritious meals were the organic packaged baby foods.

說到包裝,讓我們再回到我那個快3歲的幼童上。最近他吃飯讓我也覺得很無奈,開始覺得包裝的水果泥零食反而是他最近吃的比較健康的東西(失敗感x2)。少爺自從兩歲以後,吃的幾乎就跟我們大人一樣了。在家我煮的東西這兩年來都難以下嚥因為為了兒子我的料理都無味.....好聽一點是,食物的原味。 當一來開始有意識以後,我們大人吃的東西他也都會想要分一杯羹,所以在我所能控制的範圍底下,我幾乎很少給他吃外面的零食。出來玩可就不一樣了,我沒辦法控制的事情太太太多了,他像是脫韁的野馬,甜點果汁炸物樣樣都來。 在家我只有牛奶和水,在杜拜的飯店裡果汁選項超多,我只能安慰自己至少是給他喝現榨果汁。

Speaking of packaged baby food, it’s sad to say that during this trip I find the most nutritious meals for my toddler are also the packaged fruit snacks. Before Eli turned 2 I have tried so hard to make his food as natural as possible, which means almost no seasoning. Since he turned 2 he has slowly transitioned to adult food (more flavor). Nevertheless I still try to control what he eats, which means healthy snacks that are home made or low seasoned home cooked meals.  

在外面,家裡的規矩真的很難維持(麻煩正義媽媽們不要碎念我說其實有多簡單,我這裡真的只是想要討拍)。可能是到了熱帶國家,原本吃很多的一來,最近吃一兩口就說不吃了。不然就是每次外面點的餐點很多都會搭配薯條,也真奇怪了,所有的孩子好像都與生俱來的知道薯條很好吃,看到薯條一定都先吃。 少爺吃了幾根薯條配上一些果汁就跟我說吃飽了。為娘的我看的也氣飽了....相信我,我真的已經很努力的在點適合2-3歲兒童可以吃的餐了,只是外國薯條這個東西真的很陰魂不散!

I knew my healthy eating habits will be out the door once we embark on our trip.... and I was 100% right! It feels like it’s genetically programmed in kids that fries, juice and ice cream are THE BEST FOOD IN THE WORLD. Even if we order a pasta (used to be eli’s favourite) and a burger, Eli no doubt will aim for the fries first. After a few fry and some juice, he will claim that he’s full. It is really frustrating that he is feeding on junk food all day and the sad thing is I can do almost nothing because we are always out and about. 

最後,是不是只有我很受不了外國人的兒童餐?裡面根本就是兒童不能吃的東西大集合?!?! 其中大概只有兩樣東西我會想要點給我兒子,芝士三明治跟芝士通心粉,其餘的兒童餐通常都是熱狗,火腿,炸魚,薯條,巧克力蛋糕,果汁等等。明明懷孕的時候醫生有說不能吃熱狗火腿類的食物,就是因爲這些真的是很不好的產品,可是所有商家都要賣這個給孩子吃?!當媽以後真的很多內心戲,大家就將就聽我唸一唸吧!

Since we are in the complaining mode, I will like to raise a question. Why is it that kids meal in most restaurants are full of things that kids actually should not eat? Things such as hotdogs, pepperoni pizza, ham sandwich, fries, chocolate cake etc... When doctors specifically tell pregnant women that deli meat shouldn’t be eaten during pregnancy, doesn’t that mean it is not good for developing children as well? I know they taste good and it’s just so easy, but come on! Ok I am done complaining for the day~ moms out there, let me know if you are as crazy as me!!